Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Intertextuality in our Music Video

A large part of our video focuses on the setting of Brighton and the history that the town holds. Through our music video, we wanted to recapture the energy of the town shown through films such as Quadrophenia, which focused on the lifestyle of the mods and rockers of the 1960s and specifically the brawl that occurred in Brighton between the two groups on the August bank holiday of 1964. We visited several locations where this film was shot and most notably, the famous alley way, which we have used in our music video. We chose to reference Quadrophenia as those who are familiar with the film will feel flattered when they understand the link and will therefore feel a greater connection to our film and the themes of Quadrophenia, such as freedom and rebelliousness will be brought back from the nostalgia of the viewer.

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